International Divestment Day is this coming Friday. Join us at UCT (details below). See other actions (comprehensive global list), such as Pretoria University (details below), or Stellenbosch.
Fossil Free UCT Bicycle Flash Mob And Human Microphone
Friday, February 13, 1:00 PM
Meeting point: Front of Centlivres Building (opposite Leslie Social Sciences), UCT Upper Campus, Rondebosch
We will meet with our bicycles in front of the Centlivres Building (opposite Leslie Social Sciences) on UCT Upper Campus at 1pm on Friday 13 February, and cycle to several different locations on campus to do a repeated short “human microphone” broadcast (see wiki for explanation) about the Fossil Free UCT campaign and why people should support us. Bring your bicycle, obviously. And please wear orange if you can. Estimated time: About one hour. Later in the afternoon, we will hang a banner over the M3. Contact: David: +27845220968.
More details and updates here:
Saturday, February 14, 10:00 AM Union Buildings, Pretoria, South Africa
We will be doing a photo stunt where we ask the South African public to divest from fossil fuels outside the office of our President at the Union Buildings in Pretoria. A photo stunt is a form of non-violent protest where you take a photo in an iconic location with your message depicted in the photo, so in this case: “SOUTH AFRICA DIVEST FROM FOSSIL FUELS”.
This event will take place in the morning and should be done before lunch time. It is a powerful way in which you can make a difference in this, the year of climate action. Please come and join us wearing something orange, the colour of our movement. Bring your family, bring your friends, bring your neighbours and bring any signs supporting our cause. We will be meeting at the base of the Nelson Mandela Statue, look forward to seeing you there! See:
Thundafund appeal closes
Our crowdfunding effort closed on 31 January. The funds raised will help make our work over the next few months more sustainable. Many thanks to everyone who contributed.
The world’s biggest investment fund divests
Norway’s giant sovereign wealth fund has dropped investments in coal, oil sands, cement and gold mining, citing the risks of climate change and other environmental concerns.
Local renewable energy divestment opportunity
The deep logic of fossil fuel divestment
If you only ever read one article about divestment, this might be the one you should read.
Prediction that an oil major may drop… oil
The oil price crash coupled with growing concerns about global warming will encourage at least one of the major oil companies to turn its back on fossil fuels in the near future, predicts an award-winning scientist and former industry adviser.
Big carbon beyond redemption: ‘cranial contact with brick walls’
Renowned environmentalist Jonathan Porritt concludes that big oil companies are now dominated by’hydrocarbon supremacists’ and are beyond reform.
His opinion is affirmed by shareholder activist Shelley Alpern of Clean Yield Asset Management:
As a long time shareholder activist, I’ve spent more time than I can calculate filing shareholder proposals and engaging in conversation with fossil fuel companies, often in collaboration with major pension funds with large positions in such companies. I’ve engaged with ConocoPhillips, BP, Anadarko, Apache, Royal Dutch Shell, Energen and ExxonMobil on topics including carbon emissions, hydrofracking, biodiversity, human rights and more. My takeaway from these efforts, along with a lingering concussion from too much cranial contact with brick walls, is that the time for polite conversation is over.
Green Popping in Zambia this June
Our friends at Greenpop are holding their annual Zambia Festival of Action in Livingstone from 28 June, bringing people from around the world to plant almost 4000 trees, grow food forests, attend permaculture and other interesting workshops, enjoy live African music, connect with like-minded people, give back and get active for a positive future! Zambia has one of the highest deforestation rates in the world, but it also has some of the greatest potential for positive change – Greenpop wants to highlight all the awesome local projects there as well as be part of the eco action. More details here.