Climate change is a major threat to human life and wellbeing, especially in Africa – but governments just aren’t acting fast enough. If coal, gas and oil companies follow their current business plans, devastating consequences will follow.
But we can stop them, just as a global divestment movement helped end apartheid in South Africa. The Fossil Free movement is growing on hundreds of campuses around the world. Investors have already committed to switching $50 billion worth of fossil fuel investments to sustainable energy.
With the direct endorsement of Nobel laureate Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, Fossil Free UCT is working to persuade the University of Cape Town to be true to its progressive principles, join the global struggle against climate change, and divest from fossil fuels in favour of sustainable energy alternatives. Our future depends on it!
• Please sign our petition!
• Please endorse the letter of the 2015 African Climate Development Initiative Masters Class students to the university, urging divestment.
• Read more about our campaign on the Go Fossil Free South Africa website.
• Get involved, get in touch:
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