Our team is complete after months of finding new staff. We’re delighted to have a passionate, skilled and upbeat group of people who have hit the road running.
They are massively increasing our capacity to drive a broad range of campaigns to undercut the clout of the fossil fuel industry and help to create a sustainable world, one characterised by the well-being economy, which we look forward to writing more about in future.
We’re aware that many of our supporters link up with FFSA through a specific campaign but might not realise the breadth of our work. A list of our projects, with suggestions about how you can help, is at the bottom of this story. Please support us in any way that suits you, if you’re not already doing so. Meanwhile, we’d like to introduce a few more of our new people:
Now for a synopsis of our campaigns:
Our universities campaign pressures tertiary institutions to stop financing the climate crisis. Working with student groups, we have had considerable success: UCT committed to divest from fossil fuels in 2022 after an eight-year-long campaign, and we’re growing our student groups at other universities.
Now students are researching other ways fossil fuels are embedded at UCT, and if there are further ways it can disassociate from fossil fuel interests. Students, you can join the UCT research group, sign a petition to Wits and Stellenbosch universities, and learn more here.We pressure asset managers to create sustainable and people-friendly investment funds. Sign a letter to your asset manager requesting such a fund and learn more here. Please do spread the news, perhaps by forwarding this newsletter to your friends and family or sharing on social media.
The fossil fuel industry gains social acceptance and favour through extensive PR and advertising. As one way of tackling this, we’re hosting the South African branch of the international Clean Creatives campaign, which asks creatives to pledge not to work for the fossil fuel industry. If you’re a creative, you can sign up here.
Our Fossil Ad Ban is lobbying for a progressive ban on fossil fuel advertising and branding in Cape Town. Find out more and learn how to make an impact, by registering your support, spreading the word and staying up to date here.
We provide several resources, including a Climate Reporting Guide to help the media report accurately and proactively on climate change; a Planet A Investment Guide, which lists investment options that are green and socially responsible, and have just published a roadmap for decarbonising South Africa, showing how a switch to renewable energy could be made, and listing the challenges. We welcome feedback on all of these documents. Please email hello@fossilfreesa.org.za.
If you have questions about our campaigns, please email us on the address above. You can also follow us on YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and Telegram.