We are a network of South Africans working to secure human rights and prosperity by challenging financial and social support for the fossil fuel industry.
We aim to slow climate change and accelerate the shift towards a more just and sustainable world. Our organisation grew out of our campaign for the University of Cape Town to stop investing in fossil fuels. FFSA was legally established as a non-profit organisation in early 2015.
We want a stable climate, healthy children, clear air and water,
a switch to wind and solar energy, green jobs, stable energy costs and energy independence, honest governance, more land for food and forests, sound investments, fewer wars and quieter cities, all of which are threatened by fossil fuels: oil, gas and coal.
We want a stable climate, healthy children, clear air and water,
a switch to wind and solar energy, green jobs, stable energy costs and energy independence, honest governance, more land for food and forests, sound investments, fewer wars and quieter cities, all of which are threatened by fossil fuels: oil, gas and coal.
We work with students from Wits, Stellenbosch and UCT to campaign their universities to divest from fossil fuels, reinvest in local sustainable alternatives, and disassociate from fossil fuels that are embedded in Academia. Our Fossil Free UCT campaign successfully convinced UCT to commit to divestment in 2022!
Asset managers
Many of us are investing in the biggest agents of climate change – fossil fuel companies. Our #InvestFossilFree campaign is trying to change that by building public support to engage with asset managers to provide fossil-fuel free investment options for the many who want them. We’ve already helped set up a low carbon fund in South Africa!
Challenging fossil fuel advertising
The fossil fuel industry relies on PR and advertising for its continued social licence to operate. We are challenging this through our Fossil Ad Ban campaign which lobbies for a progressive ban on fossil fuel advertising and branding in Cape Town, as well as our Clean Creatives South Africa campaign which asks creatives to pledge to not work for the fossil fuel industry.
Climate and investment resources
We create resources and strategic media to explain and share our vision. This includes our Planet A Investment Guide that helps people make climate-responsible investment decisions, and our Climate Reporting Guide, supporting journalists responsibly reporting on the climate crisis.
We have a number of newsletters you can sign up to to stay informed
When we started working on building a fossil fuel divestment
Sasol recently set new targets for greenhouse gas emissions reductions,
Pic: UPRI chair Professor Tom Moultrie accepts a memorandum –
On Monday evening, we were hosted by Extinction Rebellion’s group